
"Look," he began in his sharp voice, "you say you have seven goslings. There were eight eggs. What happened to the other egg? Why didn't it hatch?" “看,”他尖细地叫起来,“...

第三道英语题难倒了众多网友,回答者更是寥寥无几,网友“遵道不需要万磕”只用了四句简单英语予以翻译,答:“You are there,I‘m here,I should meet you,because you are waiting”。如此翻译,引起了网友一阵爆笑,称“太油菜了!” 不堪网络压力 博士挥手泪别 ...

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter...

go there for a look.不知道这红树林到底是什么样子。I wonder why the mangrove iscalled "the red tree".会不会就像它的名字那样,Does it look red是一片红色的树林呢?as the name suggests?韩佳: 我看你是没弄明白。I think you are mistaken...

陈妍希和陈晓下个月将庆祝结婚8周年,没想到近日却被爆婚变。曾率先爆出章子怡、汪峰离婚的中国狗仔出手:“知情人士透露,陈晓陈妍希婚姻去年就破裂了,目前陈晓一心想离婚”。对此,两人的经纪公司尚未回应。外媒对此事也进行了相关报道。 双语文本 Recently, there were...

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